As the new school year unfolds, families across Ballarat and its surrounding regions are preparing to equip their children for success. However, the financial strain of purchasing essential school supplies can be daunting for many households.
Jaxon and Tyler making a great start to 2024 at Yuille Park Community College.
The Ballarat Foundation is proud to be delivering FRRR Back to School vouchers again this year, to help alleviate the financial pressure. A total of 1000 vouchers will be distributed this year; 700 across primary schools in the Ballarat region will be distributed by the Ballarat Foundation, and 300 vouchers will go directly to cafs (Child and Family Services) clients. UFS contributed $7,500 for the cafs vouchers and this funding was matched by FRRR to obtain 300 vouchers.
The Back to School Vouchers are redeemable at local retailers to purchase essential school items such as stationery, uniforms, textbooks, and backpacks. This not only eases the financial strain but also instills a sense of dignity and pride in parents as they prepare their children for the academic year ahead.
In addition to the $50 vouchers to K-Mart and Target, an introduction of technology vouchers this year is very welcome for families. A total of 100 technology vouchers, each valued at $100, will be available to purchase items such as headphones, mice, cables and chargers at Officeworks, The Good Guys or JB Hi-Fi.
Often parents find it difficult to ask for help for fear of being judged. Schools are able to financially support families in a non-confronting way and parents are able to provide for their children without judgement. It helps children to go to school when they feel that they fit in with their peers.
"The vouchers the Ballarat Foundation provides ensures barriers are removed, allowing students access to education," Simone Duthie, Yuille Park Community College.
Feedback from previous years has been that students are happier to attend school when they can contribute to all aspects of school life. This ensures that students have improved engagement and a better attitude towards their learning.
Yuille Park community College students Rhiverlee, Indy, Jaxon, Savannah, Nate and Tyler